Easy Order Tool saves up to 50% of your time

Easy Order Tool

The thing you MUST know: Easy Order tool for Firefox and Chrome browser has been developed and released! 


With the Easy Order tool, you can place orders in taobao item page or 1688.com page by only one or two simple clicks without copying and pasting the item address and switching among pages any more. It extremely saves up to 50% of your time for adding new orders and makes the ordering much more efficient!

The following screenshot is a demonstration:

Easy Order Tool Section




For Firefox Browsers:(Download Link:http://www.freeshoppingchina.com/tools/easyorder.xpi)
You need to click on the download link to make the tool(Firefox extension)(Download Now) installed. When prompted by the Firefox, you just finish the process per the Firefox's message guide to get the Easy Order tool installed. Typically, the process would be the similar to the following screen shots:

install easy order tool in firefox

After you have installed it, you will see two changes on Firefox:a.) A button on the Firefox tool bar; b.) Right click in any place in taobao item page, you will see a new context menu "Add to Cart on FreeShoppingChina.com". Both are having the same function and you can select your preferred one to use by simply clicking it.

 context menu and quick button of easy order tool in firefox


If you didn't see the changes on Firefox, it's probably because your Firefox is on old version, you can just update your Firefox to latest version and re-install the Easy Order tool.



For Chrome Browsers:(Download Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/add-to-cart-on-freeshoppi/hidccdolbihoihbndogjhpmocjlgcnem)

Currently Chrome extensions needs to be downloaded from Chrome Web Store. We have uploaded this tool as an extension into the Web Store. In order to install it, you need to open your chrome browser and go to the link:  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/add-to-cart-on-freeshoppi/hidccdolbihoihbndogjhpmocjlgcnem.


Once you opened the above link, you will see this extension information in Chrome Web Store. Click the "Add to Chrome" button in the top right to install it. After you have installed it, you will see two changes on Chrome: a.) A button on the Chrome tool bar; b.) Right click in any place in taobao item page, a new context menu "Add to Cart on FreeShoppingChina.com" will be seen. Both are having the same function and you can select your preferred one to use by simply clicking it.

context menu and quick button for easy order tool in chrome



1. This tool is an add-on/extension based on browsers. If you are using both Firefox and Chrome, you need to install them separately.
2. In most cases, anti-virus software will not stop the install. If some software is stopping it, you can just clicking the software settings to make the install allowed.
3. This tool is safe and is only browser add-on/extension instead of an individual executable file. It only brings you a new frame in item page when you click it. It will not retrieve your local data or hack your computer.

Tags:easy order tool, firefox extension, chrome extension

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