Order Cancellation

You can cancel order only in the following conditions:
1. The order with status "pending" or "Invalid". You can cancel the order by yourself and the cost will be returned to your account.
2. The order is conducted and the product item is damaged or having other issue when it’s arrived in our office and it should be returned. We will send you message and you can determine if you want to make a change or just return it. If you want to return it, we will refund as long as we receive the fund from seller. However, we do not take any responsibility of any lost (including domestic shipping fee) in this process. Also, we do not charge service fee for those inferior products/orders.
3. Incorrect items bought by FreeShoppingChina.com or damaged items you receive (Fragile items are not included here). You need to fill a claim on this case to get the items returned and the cost returned to your member account. For more details, please refer to Return Policy.


If you want to cancel order in none of the above conditions, we would charge for 20% of the totally cost (product cost+domestic shipping fee) as service fee with the minimum of 30CNY for each order if it's successfully canceled. Any additional loss caused by the cancellation would be your responsibility. Also, we would not guarantee that the order can be canceled, which depends on the seller instead of FreeShoppingChina.com.

Tags:Order Cancellation, Cancel Order

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  • EUR Exchange Rate1EUR=7.504CNY
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