How to Place & Submit Orders

After you find the product you want to buy, you need to place the order on so that we can purchase the product for you.

Here are the steps to Place & Submit Orders:
1.    Find the product page you want to buy, and check the size and color information in the page. If you are not aware how to do it, please refer to the previous topic: How to find products on

Product detail page on taobao


2.    Log into member center on, and click the “New Order”, you will be navigated to the order page. Copy the product information page on (or that on other online stores websites), and click “submit”.

Click New Order in FSC member center


3.    The system will load the product information automatically, also the system will translate the product name into English. (If it failed to load information, you need to specify the information by yourself.) However, you still need to specify the size, color and quantity you want to buy. Also, you may want to add some special comment in the remark field. After confirming the information is correct, click “submit”.

input item detail page when adding an order


4.    You will be prompted that you have already successfully added that item into your shopping cart. You can continue to add more products into your shopping cart.

add order succeeded


5.    Once all the products you want are already in the shopping cart, go to the “My Shopping Cart” by clicking the link in the left side in member center. All the products you added will be listed here. You will also be indicated that how much you need to pay for those products.

shopping cart in FSC


6.    Click “Submit Order”, you will be on the payment confirmation page. Make sure you have enough balance in your member account. If it’s insufficient, you need to Add Funds first before you submit all these orders. (You may want to refer to the topic: How to Add Funds)

Be Aware: This is the 1st payment for the products themselves and domestic shipping in China. Our service charge and international shipping will be in the 2nd payment later.

1st payment confirmation page


7.    Click “Pay Now”, a popup dialog will show up to tell you if the payment was successful. And you will be navigated back to the member center index page.
1st payment succeeded


8.    To check those order you have just paid, click “My Orders” in the left side.

check my orders page


The next topic is: How to Track your order.  Go Now!
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