FAQ to Affiliate Program

How can I join the Affiliate Program?

Very simple. First you need to register as a user on FreeShoppingChina.com.  After that, you sign in member center, and accept the affiliate agreement and rules to activate your affiliate code. Once done, you can promote your affiliate code to successfully introduce other people and get commission.


What is the commission rate?

We define the commission rate as 10% of the service fee we charge to our customer. However, depends on the occasion, we may give additional bonus in different times.


Is there any tax charged for commission?

According to Chinese law, 20% will be charged as tax. However, FreeShoppingChina is paying tax for you now, which means it’s tax free for you now.


When the commission can be paid to me?

The commission will be settled based on month. Once settled, you need to go to member center and apply payment in Affiliate Settlement page. The commission will usually be added into your member account within 3 workdays after you apply payment in Affiliate Settlement page.


How can I know how much commission I will have and how can I find the details?

The commission details can be found in Affiliate Settlement page. You can check the details and calculate the commission. If any difference is found, you can contact customer service for correction.


How can I withdraw the commission?

Commission will be added into your member account after you apply payment in Affiliate Settlement page. Like the normal fund, you can purchase item with it or withdraw it from your member account by following the withdraw process.


Why some affiliate orders are invalid?

After affiliate users submit orders for purchase, we will review the orders. Some of them will be moved to invalid list for cancellation due to the seller’s stock or our purchase limitation. Also, if some order is returned for refund, the order will also be invalid.


How can I promote my affiliate code?
You can invite users to visit our website with the promotion code/address. Generally, as long as the user visit our website via the affiliate code you give him/her, he/she will be your affiliate user after registering on our website and you can see his/her user record in Affiliate Member page.
Usually, you may have friends who want to purchase item from China. Even, you may know some local forum or groups where exists a demand of sourcing items from China, especially for those resellers on Ebay or shops. You can guide them or introduce them with the promotion code to register on our website to have them become your affiliate member. It’s win-win-win mode, everyone in this mode can get benefit and be happy.

Can I recommend my friend to be an affiliate user?

Of course. As long as your friends want to purchase item from China, you can introduce him/her to our website to use our service with your promotion code.


Tags:faq, affiliate program

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